The present crises of corruption
emanating in the bowels of Westminster has all the
ingredients necessary to be served up as a
funereal feast. Marking as it should the end of a governance era exemplified by
deceit, incompetence, the lessening of standards to suit sub-prime
financiers by socialising costs to benefit privatised profits and all of it based on the pigswill of political dogma of power irrespective of social cost, party hegemony and individual gain.
In 97 we had our 'Obama' moment, when Blair promised change and to be whiter than white. In the end they've achieved neither. In twelve years of power what have they achieved that could truly be called a legacy. The Smoking Ban!!!!
Let's look at Britain's past 12 years.
G Brown told us he'd eradicated boom and bust.
We perhaps had our suspicions as to the validity of the boom - housing bubbles, monopoly money leveraged in pyramid finance schemes etc, accompanied by galloping personal debt while being squeezed by ever increasing stealth taxes which never seemed to generate enough income for the Treasury to allow them to lessen the gap between the rich and poor. Suspicions that were slightly bewildering when it was a Labour party claiming the poor weren't doing enough to help themselves.
Now of course we know better. Brown didn't understand the boom anymore than he could control or mitigate the bust. He's was, is and will continue to be, an empty vessel of some use to Goldman Sacs. Enough at any rate for him to acquire one of their luxury flats in Edinburgh the title of which has subsequently been transferred to Mrs Brown.
Then we have Iraq - and here we may as well throw Afghanistan into the pot. Blair told us lies - he knew he was telling us lies when he claimed Iraq had WMD, but by then he'd adopted the poodle pose for G Bush. Nobody knows why he did this. After all the whole world was against this move? Perhaps he wanted to increase his property portfolio or his pension plan- so after some discussion with JP Morgan and BP he threw his lot and our cash in, and subsequently the lives of around 180 service men and women so he could play with the neo- cons mastering the world. Not forgetting Bosnia and Afghanistan, this born again hypocrite has weighed the lives of at least 300 of our servicemen as a reasonable cost to maintain his lavish lifestyle.
Then we have a Labour Party who, with a massive majority in parliament, relinquishing any responsibility for governance or principles, decide to chill out and leave democracy to the combined talents of a 22 brained Cabinet. So much so, that when the great leader and ex chancellor prudence decide to remove the 10% tax they, the chilled out, applauded. Why shouldn't they - at the time they were riding high in the polls and Brown was about to become their new leader. However when the 10% was about to be withdrawn they upped and screamed foul. Why? Not because of the effect it would have on the poor; good lord no, but by then they were languishing in the polls and that could mean these free loading, incompetent, lazy, jobsworths would have to struggle in the maze of the real world.
In truth, while the people of this country have little to sing about since the end of the second world war the last twelve years have seen the pinnacle of mediocrity collapse into an abyss of cynical lies and corruption that greatly benefits one percent of the population; moderately benefits another nine and does nothing but add costs to the remaining ninety.
Hardly a worthwhile model of governance, even for fascism.