But there again why should our champions of democracy commit kazeekama when they can tuck another couple of hundred Ks under their belts by attending (at their leisurely discretion of course) to our democratic representation for another twelve months.
Meanwhile, our benevolent dictator, ever conscious of his paternalistic duty and shrugging of the heavy mantle of utter rejection behind the mask of denial has decided he, his cabal of jobsworths and the magnates of Labours hegemony are the best cure for the ills they've forced upon us. Call me cynical, but that seems too much like the mugged enquiring if his mugger has got enough cash to get safely home.
And this is from a man who has vanquished the cycles of boom and bust into a permanency of bust; who has tackled the challenge of the gap between the rich and poor by adding to the ranks of the poor and widening the gap; who's concept of probity is to remove the responsibility of corporates to provide a pension to their employees. In fact to remove any responsibility from corporates (provided they're large enough) towards their fundamental duties of contributing to the societies they use and exploit. The man who has denounced spin and adopted flap, while turning a blind eye to the flipping of the golden flats and the evasion of tax on the profit gained by investments paid for by the taxpayer. But, most damning of all, this man who has achieved nothing but failures during his term as Prime Minister- and some would add exchequer- now wants to add the reform of our democratic process to his portfolio?
I mean. to use Rumfelds dictum, this must be one of the known knowns as a recipe for disaster and a time for Brown to forget.
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